We’re now several weeks into lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic, and I understand that this may be an anxious time for you for a variety of reasons. I want to reassure you that operations at Otter Financial Services are still ‘business as usual’ and we continue to be here to offer support.
Our team is currently working from home but has access to all our usual computer systems to continue acting on your behalf. Recent stock market volatility may be worrisome, however, keep in mind that temporary declines are to be expected and we’re confident that portfolios have been sufficiently stress-tested to withstand the current conditions.
Whilst face-to-face meetings have temporarily been cancelled, we’re still available whether you want to discuss investments or simply want to speak to a friendly voice. You can use Calendly to book a phone or video call to go through any concerns or questions you may have here.
You can also contact me and the rest of the Otter Financial Services team by calling 01404 815551 or emailing enquiries@otterfinancial.co.uk.