There comes a time for most of us when we want to stop working and retire.
Your fingerprint is unique to you, as is your retirement. There are no right answers and no two people who want the same things.
The signal that now is the time to retire could be a number of things, or a combination of them all. Maybe that aching back on a Monday morning is now spreading to Tuesday and Wednesday. Or maybe you are no longer enjoying your work, and feel that you could be doing something more enjoyable and worthwhile with your life. Sudden changes in your circumstance, such as the loss of a job or partner could also encourage you to think about your future.
Retirement is different for us all.
Some people will walk out of work one day, usually with a card, a present and the good wishes of their work colleagues sending them on their way. One day they are working, the next they are retired.
For others, especially if you are self-employed or run your own business, the transition takes longer and isn’t as stark.
Finally, you might feel that you can’t retire, that you haven’t enough money to finish work, even if you would rather retire.
We’ll help you identify your retirement goals and then arrange your finances to ensure they are achieved.
Typically, our clients who fall into this group are:
- Currently employed, self-employed or running their own business
- Often confused about retirement and what income their existing pensions, investments and savings will produce
- Generally unsure what income they can expect from the State Pension
- Previously used to making their own financial decisions, but now believe they need some professional help
- Concerned about ensuring that the income they take from their pension will be there for the rest of their life, whilst leaving something behind for their loved ones
- Keen to focus on enjoying retirement, in the knowledge that their long-term financial future is in safe hands
- Often concerned about leaving a legacy to their loved ones and the effects ill-health could have on their ability to do this
- Unsure about how Pension Freedom can help them achieve their retirement goals
Whilst everyone’s retirement is different, in our experience one thing binds this group of people together. That’s the desire to make good decisions, which will withstand the test of time, delivering a sustainable income in retirement and a legacy for their loved ones.
We know we add value to our clients at retirement, possibly more than any stage in their lives. But we don’t expect potential clients to simply take our word for it. A certain scepticism is always healthy.
By getting to know us and taking that first step, you will soon discover just how much more financially secure your retirement can be after working with a financial planner, experienced in solving the issues you are facing.
It isn’t just Damien here to help you either. The whole Otter Financial team is with you on your retirement journey, willing you to succeed.